Anti-Ragging Cell

Ragging of fresher in academic institutions by senior students was rampant in Indian Colleges. Ragging has taken many shapes including physical violence, sexual abuse and humiliation and milder form of pressurizing juniors to do Term Papers etc. Several steps taken by authorities so far have not improved matters. Even deaths due to ragging continues to be reported. Any one who underwent/noticed malpractices may immediately report to the Head of the Institution, Sahyadri Arts College or College Anti-Ragging cell.
University Grants Commission has set up a toll free Helpline for dealing with Ragging. Any victim of ragging can ring up the toll free No - 1800-180-5522 or send an email to: The helpline will be operational 24 hours. Immediate action will be taken within fifteen minutes by alerting appropriate authorities, be it the head of the educational institution, the district collector or the police. Monitoring the progress of follow up activities by all concerned is also included.
The Anti Ragging Guidelines issued by UGC defines Ragging in a broader way to consider all activities that constitute ragging. They are applicable to all educational institutions both in government and public sectors including transport facilities.
The culprits when found guilty may be rusticated for four sessions or fined up to 2.5 Lakhs. Govt. has issued ORDINANCE which provides punishment on students involved in Ragging, by imprisonment in Jail, Monetary Fine, Expulsion from Institute, Ban on admission in other Institutes, Ban on any employment etc.,
Anti-Ragging Cell
There is an anti-Ragging Cell in our College which is headed by Director/Proctor and working properly in cooperation with well experienced members.

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